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QCMC 2018 conference office |
The International Quantum Communication Award honours outstanding achievements in quantum communication research.
It is presented biennially at QCMC. In the past, the award winners have been as follows:
1996: Charles Bennett, Carl Helstrom, Alexander Holevo, Horace Yuen
1998: Jeffrey Kimble, Peter Shor
2000: Paul Benioff, Christopher Monroe, David Wineland
2002: David Deutsch, Serge Haroche, Benjamin Schumacher
2004: Richard Jozsa, Prem Kumar
2006: Ignacio Cirac, Philippe Grangier, William Wootters, Peter Zoller
2008: Jeffrey Shapiro, Akira Furusawa, Anton Zeilinger
2010: Gerard Milburn, Masanao Ozawa, Christopher Fuchs, Alexander Lvovsky
2012: Jian-Wei Pan, Seth Lloyd
2014: Nicolas Gisin, Reinhard Werner
2016: Rainer Blatt , Artur Ekert
Nominations should be submitted electronically not later than 12 Midnight UTC on Wednesday, November 1 to the QCMC award committee
through: awards.qcmc2018@phys.lsu.edu. Two winners will be chosen from the nominations, one each in the theory and experiment
categories. The nominations should include a short CV of the candidate, a letter containing a one-page summary of the candidate's
achievements, a list of key publications. The nomination should be prepared in pdf-format.
For the QCMC2018 award committee
Jörg Schmiedmayer,
QCMC 2018 Award Comittee